Tango Dancers!
You know what I’ve realised over the years?
That the confidence you learn from being a strong, independent tanguera, shows outside of the dance-floor.
At least it was the case for me.
Once I became more independent and willing to express myself dancing in the arms of a partner, I became more independent and willing to express myself in real life too.
So I really see my work as empowering women to express themselves, and believe that powerful female dancers will change the world (yes, in all humility, that’s why I created tango space…;-))
But at the beginning (or not so much at the beginning in my case), ladies are not sure how to ‘Express Themselves: isn’t following the lead more important?’
I’ve struggled with that so much! You tell me Tango is Freedom, but how am I free if I have to follow?!?
In this video, I’d like to share a ‘Change of Concept’ that changed my approach. it’s a small, simple semantic tweak but it completely changed my dancing.
So let’s take ONE word off your dancing vocabulary, shall we?
We hope it helps,
Much love,
Pablo & Anne