The Tango Walk!

So beautiful and elegant.

Do you remember your first class, when you discovered that there was *another way to walk*?

And that it could be elegant, powerful and musical?

Unfortunately it’s so easy to go beyond the walk, and think that it belongs to the beginners class.

But when you do that, you can never truly dance.

Everything in tango: our power, elegance, connection come from those simple steps!

If you don’t practice you walk, you end up limited in the movements you can do, and how fluidly you can do them.

So to help you feel better in the walk and through the dance, here are 5 key tips that will take your walk to the next level…. and elevate your dancing. 

Click on the video to watch:

– What suspension in the walk is and how to use it
– How to land and the common mistake most followers do 
– What the difference between a tango small step and a normal small step is
– How to make sure you have power but also connection throughout the dance

We really hope this helps!

Keep learning, and keep sharing your dancing, because the world of tango needs your embrace.

Pablo & Anne

PS. How long have you been waiting to finally have the confidence to go “all in” on learning tango?

6 months, a year, more?! 

It took us a while to get started, too.

We were scared we wouldn’t be good enough! 

And guess what, we pretty much weren’t. 

It took us years to feel confident dancing.

BUT we stuck with it and 15 years, 2 tango schools, 2000 students and over 560 milongas nights organised later, we’ve learned a thing or two 

And we want to share all that with YOU!

Join us in our upcoming free webinar: 3 Secrets to Becoming a Confident Tango Dancer in 2020 and beyond.

We’ll teach how to change your approach to tango practice so that you can finally feel completely free to improvise and be creative on the dancer floor.

Register for free here:

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