Dear dancer,
Do you have a mantra?
A meaningful sentence you’ve chosen to help you through your tango dancing, a challenging time, your life journey…?
I’ve never really thought of this, to be honest, but we recently started working with a new coach who asked us to choose a mantra for our new project.
And to be honest, I am inclined to steal hers!
It’s “I can do hard things”
And maybe it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it speaks to me.
It makes me want to say…
“Yes, I can!”
Yes, I have more skills in me than I use now!
Yes, I can be a top-dancer/partner/teacher…”
So, in that spirit, today we’re inviting you to challenge yourself… heck, I’ll say it… to do something HARD.
The movement we’re offering you combines some off-axis (see last week’s video), a giro, an enrosque, a change of weight…
There’s loads to work with here.
Please remember.
Tango is never about doing all the sequences, just understanding the technique behind it. So if all you manage from today’s movement is the giro, it’s amazing already!
Just break it down and work on one part of the sequence at a time.
We believe in you!
We really hope it helps!
And, we don’t want you to miss out on this: We also have a Special Free Guide: How to Add Impulse to Your Side Step. There’s no powerful tango without a powerful side-step. Make sure you check it out, by clicking on the link below!
=> Click here to download our FREE ‘3 Tips For More Impulse In Your Side Step Guide‘
Keep learning, and keep sharing your dancing, because the world of tango needs your embrace.
Much love,
Pablo & Anne
PS: Ladies, if you’d like to look beautiful on the dance floor, we have
something special for you:
To help you shine on the dance floor, the lovely Katharina from Colección
Berlin is offering you a special bonus price of 10% OFF on her tango
clothes collection— for a limited time only
This is specifically for readers of our newsletter: to benefit from the 10%
discount, use TSPACE at the check-out.
You can see all of her beautiful clothes by clicking here:
Please note that this is NOT an affiliate link – we don’t get anything if
you decide to invest in a beautiful skirt or not.
But as I love her collection, and I’m always looking for tango clothes
recommendation, I was delighted when Katharina approached us to share this
offer with you!