Tag Archives: tangospaceparis

Tango Perfect Combination: Off-Axis + Giro + Enrosque (Giro Steps)

Dear dancer, Do you have a mantra? A meaningful sentence you’ve chosen to help you through your tango dancing, a challenging time, your life journey…? I’ve never really thought of this, to be honest, but we recently started working with a new coach who asked us to choose a mantra for our new project. And […]

Tango Off-Axis: How to go Off-Axis from the Side Step (Technique)

Is off-axis 💀 dead?   You’ve probably heard whispers that tango Nuevo and its off-axis movements is dead, that it’s over, or that the axis sharing moves are oh-so-passé.     (People will say anything if it excuses them from challenging themselves and learning new technique)     But a quick look at all maestro […]

Simple, Sensual and Smooth: How to do a Double Planeo (tango steps)

We all have something in tango that we are known for. No I’m not speaking about the fact that you’re the last one standing at every milonga or your ability to name every song the DJ plays (though if it’s the case I’m impressed!)… but rather the quality that you bring to your dancing. Some […]

Followers Technique: How Not to Lose Your Balance in the Close Embrace

Tango dancer, Have you ever felt uncomfortable in the close embrace – or worse – lost your balance while in the arms of your tango partner? If yes, I used to, so I completely relate! The uncomfortable truth, ladies, is that it is often our fault, and not our partner’s… See, it’s easy for us […]

The Open Side of the Embrace: Where to put the hand? (help for balance)

Tango dancer, Recently a student of ours came to ask me why she was regularly losing her balance during the dance, despite all her efforts. Indeed, her and her partner had worked hard at doing individual exercises for balance. When they practiced the movements in practice embrace they both felt comfortable… but when they went […]

How To Dance Around The Leader: A Succession of Sacadas (Tango Lesson)

Tango dancer This week, we want you to have fuuuuun! How about a movement that makes you take the boredom (if there was any…) out of any tanda and makes both dancers feel connected and powerful? Nice, eh? In this video, we teach you a playful combination of sacadas, so you can add power, playfulness […]

How To Be More Connected: One Number and a Mindset Change

Tango is not a number’s game. Yet there is one number that sticks with us, as teachers, and that we see transform our students’ dancing. Contrarily to what it might sound like, it is not set in stone. It can vary. But it matters. See, we know that when you dance your attention tends to […]

Why It Is Taking You Longer To Learn: The 2 Ways To Learn Tango

Dear dancer, Today we’re doing something a bit different. We don’t want to share a tip or steps, but advice based on our teaching experience. If you’ve been feeling that it is taking you very long to see progress in your learning… We hope it helps. If you enjoyed this video and the info we […]

Tango Dancing: How To Connect With Anyone // With Pepa Palazon

Tango dancer Do you sometimes feel that you can’t read your partner well? Have you ever been unsure about what your partner is trying to lead? Do you sometimes feel disconnected from your partner? Have you ever been confused about how your tango embrace should feel like…? Relaxed? Firm? Would you like to know how […]

Tango Dancing: Adapt 4 Sequences To Small Spaces (Social Dancing)

Tango dancer, Have you ever been frustrated with not having enough space in milonga? Are you unsure about how to adapt the movements you learn in class to a busy milonga? Want to feel connected and elegant in your tango, even if there isn’t much space? Looking to feel creative in your dancing in a […]