We all have something in tango that we are known for.

No I’m not speaking about the fact that you’re the last one standing at every milonga or your ability to name every song the DJ plays (though if it’s the case I’m impressed!)…

but rather the quality that you bring to your dancing.

Some people are more rhythmic and catchy, for example.

Pablo’s thing is that he is a melodic dancer. He loves challenging himself to go beyond the rhythm and find creative ways to express the softness of tango.

One simple but oh-so-enjoyable way to do that is to add “double-planeos” to your dancing.

It is a perfect way to express a musical phrase and also is one of those tango movements that use the woman as an inspiration. Plus, it’s gorgeous to dance.

And for the followers, it’s a beautiful way to show off our postural alignment and dissociation!

Click on the video to watch:

  • What a double planeo is and how to add it to your dancing
  • How followers can use alignment and dissociation to make it a sensual and elegant move
  • Which type of embrace will work well with a parada

We really hope it helps!

If you enjoyed this video and the info we share on our blog, we would be so grateful if you signed up to our channel. You will get weekly tips for a more powerful & elegant tango.

Thank you so much for watching!

Keep learning, and keep sharing your dancing, because the world of tango needs your embrace.

Much love,

Pablo & Anne

PS: Do you want clarity on tango dancing?
Frustrated with how long it takes to improve your tango technique?
Do you want to look & feel more powerful & elegant in your tango dancing?

Have a look at our step-by-step Online technique Course, it might be the right tool to take your tango to the next level 🙂

Are you ready to take your tango to the next level?


Improve the quality of your dancing with our online tango course:

5 steps to find power and elegance in the embrace


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