Thank you for your interest in our teaching.

We hope you find here answers to the questions you might have. Otherwise contact us at and we’ll be happy to help

How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to become tango dancers and teachers?

Great question!

We actually come from different backgrounds, and, as such, have a complementary approach to dancing.

Pablo is Argentinian and is a born and bred milonguero. His grand-father danced tango, his father is a tango addict, his sister too is a dancer. He grew up listening to tango music and has tango in his blood.

Anne is a dancer – and though she started with dancing ballet, has tried them all, including contemporary, modern jazz, 5 rhythms, and complementary body techniques like Alexander and Feldenkrais… until she found tango and fell in love with the perfect combination of precision and self-expression it offers.

Who are your students exactly?

Usually, our students are people who are proud of their career, are up for a challenge, and want to find an outlet for creative expression. They are at a point in life when they want to start prioritising their joy and happiness a bit more by disconnecting from work, learning a new artistic skill, meeting more people.

How are you different from other tango dance teachers?

There are 2 ways in which we are different.

  • The first is that even though we try and give flexibility to our students, we are very rigorous with our teaching and follow a clear programme. For every level (beginner, improvers, intermediates, advanced), and every need (learning tango or preparing a wedding first dance), we have a step-by-step programme that we take our students through.
  • The second is that… we will challenge you. We focus on the quality of your technique from the get-go, instead of teaching you steps. This means that the first lessons are more of a challenge, but that you are able to improvise and create a dance that is yours rapidly. 

What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?

Come with an open heart, and be willing to learn. You will be given corrections during your class, and invited to practice in-between lessons, either at home individually, or in our ‘practica’ (weekly session dedicated to practice for our students).

For what type of people are your lessons NOT going to work?

Please know we’re very selective in who we work with and we cherry-pick our students, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for our lessons and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for (It wouldn’t be fair to them.)

You will be discovering a brand-new skill, and sometimes that might feel a bit frustrated because you’re not getting it straight away. That’s ok. It is all about building muscle memory.

You will also be invited to express yourself. Often, we feel shy about truly showing who we are, and how we want to dance, or express ourselves. That’s ok. You will take baby-steps if you need, so that you can truly create a dance that is yours.

If for some reason you feel that you will not be able to do these right now, that’s ok. Both of us used to be shy, and at times didn’t have the bandwidth to learn a new skill.

If that’s the case, do yourself (3) favors: 

  • Check out our youtube tutorials, to learn at your own pace.
  • Go to our blog to sign-up to our newsletter: you will receive tips every week, practice at home, and can understand better what tango is
  • Sign-up to our facebook page to get some inspiration: you will see how tango can help you express yourself, and decide if this is for you

What exactly happens during a lesson with you?

We usually start with a short warm-up, then the lesson in divided into two parts: first a specific technique topic (for example pivoting, balance, decorations…). Then we teach you a sequence to help you put the skill into practice.

What results can I expect?

Here is what you can expect when you start learning tango with us:

  • Learn how to dance and enter a new world – that of tango, which goes beyond dancing and includes music, tango nights, culture, friends, etc…
  • Develop a very precise body awareness which will transfer to how you stand, walk, connect with your body…
  • Become more graceful
  • Very often, our students tell us they have found a renewed sense of joy in their life, now that they are making time to learn a skill they love
  • They also mention their confidence is boosted, and that they feel much more confident being assertive or meeting new people
  • A new-found sense of curiosity with a whole new world to discover
  • You will make new friends: if you join our group classes, you will be part of a community. It is a very active community of like-minded, friendly dancers. We meet up once a month for drinks, and dance together a lot outside of the class – so expect new friends from the get-go

Can I contact some of your former clients to see what it’s like to work with you?

Please, Yes, we encourage you to!

Please go to the Success Stories page of our website (You can also see our reviews on Google and on Facebook) and watch or read all of them. See which ones you feel drawn to, which of these people feel more like you.

Then feel free to ask us to put you in contact with them, and ask what they got from learning with us.

Do you have different ways to learn?

We do. We are rigorous on our technique, but flexible in how we teach, so that you can get your needs met as fast as possible:

Option 1 – Learning fast with private lessons:

If you want to learn fast and have a great technique, we recommend a package of private lessons.

  • With private lessons, you will be able to dance tango well, create a dance that is yours and feel confident dancing with any partner.
  • At the beginning of your time with us, we will create a custom programme for you depending on your skills and your goal.   
  • This is great for people who are ‘demanding’ and with a busy schedule, so they can fit their learning and well-being into their life.
  • Please note that all our packages come with a money-back guarantee. You can take one class and if after one class you feel this is not for you we happy to refund you.

Option 2:  A social experience with group classes:

If your priority is to relax, disconnect from work, learn a new beautiful skill and meet people, then group lessons are for you. You will meet a lot of friendly people straight away, and will follow our group-lesson programme.

  • This is great for people for are looking for a more cost-effective way to learn. We have different types of memberships (from 4 classes a month to unlimited access).
  • All our memberships also include access to our weekly Practica (practice time), weekly Milonga and Tango Drinks.
  • They are rolling contracts and can be stopped at any moment, provided we have 15-days written notice. You can also pause them.

Option 3: For more advanced dancers: seminars and deep-dives

We regularly organise deep-dive masterclasses for advanced dancers who want to perfect some specific skills, including our popular yearly Intensive Tango Weekend in Paris.

Please note you need to have experience in your dancing to join these programmes

OK, I know how I want to learn with you. How do we get started?

Great! Do you know what the secret of being a great dancer is?

Showing up… As Woody Allen says, it truly is 80% of the work.

So, since this feels right for you, then go for it, and we’re so happy you’re joining us!

Here’s what you do: simply email our team to, and we’ll be happy to answer any question you might have

If I’m not sure I’m ready to get started, how can I sample your work at low cost to see if it’s the right solution for me?

No worries, take your time!

Here are three ways you can do this:

  • Check out our youtube tutorials, to learn at your own pace.
  • Go to our blog and sign-up for our newsletter: you will receive tips every week, practice at home, and can understand better what tango is
  • Sign-up to our facebook page to get some inspiration: you will see how tango can help you express yourself, and decide if this it for you

OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?

Good, sounds like you’re ready to find a beautiful passion! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email our team at and we’ll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you. We can’t wait to see you relax, dance beautifully, express yourself and are honored to be the ones to help you. Let’s get going!