Hello, fellow Tango enthusiasts! We’re thrilled to share with you a fascinating aspect of Tango that can truly elevate your dancing skills. Today, we delve into the world of Volcada, an off-axis movement that introduces an alluring dynamic to your dance. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced dancer, mastering the Volcada is essential for […]
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Learning to dance tango, vals, and milonga socially can bring passion and excitement into your life and transform your tango experience. 1. 💃 Learn to dance tango, vals, and milonga socially to bring passion and excitement into your life and transform your tango experience. 1.1 Learn how dancing tango and milonga socially can bring passion […]
hey 🙂 When we first got started in our milonga journey, we felt sooooo overwhelmed by the faster rhythm. And yes, learning how to dance it wasn’t always easy… But once we got the hang of it, we started having SO much fun! First, because we realised that it’s much easier than tango. The […]
💃 Learn 3 easy milonga traspie steps to make dancing milonga easier and less stressful, even for beginners. Learning 3 easy milonga traspie steps can improve your dancing and add variety and joy to your Tango experience. PS: 👋Tango dancer! Feeling a bit insecure on the milonga dance floor? Want to feel secure and playful when […]
Struggling with balance during back pivots in tango? This video has 4 tips to help you find your center and maintain balance, whether you’re a leader or a follower. Being grounded is crucial for successful back pivoting in tango, and these tips will help you develop body awareness and correct alignment to improve your balance […]
When I was studying theatre, one of our teachers always make us do gruelling physical exercise before working on a scene. We arrived on stage so exhausted that it was sometimes difficult to simply stand up and speak. We’d stand in front all of the other actors…. sweating, shaking from the intense effort, holding our […]
Dear dancer, Recently, we were in in our studio in London to work. And, obviously, when night came, we went to the big milonga he organises on Tuesdays in Central London. It’s a beautiful space in Covent Garden with a big, square wooden floor, white walls and a high ceiling. In the middle of the […]
Have you ever felt that tango dancing is incredibly difficult? Does it look like there is so much to learn? Or that you need to keep learning new steps or decorations in order to go on the dancefloor, or invite that person you’ve always dreamt of dancing with? We used to believe this too. But […]