Are you unsure about how to add pausing and musicality to your dancing? Not clear about how to lead or follow circular movements in your tango dancing? Want to learn or review how to do the Medio-Giro with parada, one of the most fundamental movements of tango, beautifully? In this video, we teach you how […]
Category Archives: Technique
Looking to learn the fundamental movements of tango dancing? Or, if you’re a more experienced dancer, do you tend to forget the basic aspects of the technique when you are dancing? Feeling a lack of connection in your forward ochos sometimes? Do you at times feel that you are wobbly in your pivots? In this […]
Not sure how to do a beautiful tango turn? Worried your partner might be a bit “bored” sometimes, in the tango dance? Need to shake things up in your dancing and add some playfulness? In this video we show you how to add playfulness and sophistication to your dancing by combining some of the coolest […]
Tango dancer, Frustrated with how long it is taking you to learn tango? Feeling like you’re never going to get it right, sometimes? Want to save time, and fast-track your tango learning journey? Ready to challenge yourself to make sure you don’t take bad habits, and learn how to dance well from the get-go? In […]
Dear Tango Dancers, Need help with circular movements? Want to improve the quality of your dancing by mastering the tango fundamentals? Looking to learn or refine your knowledge of the Tango Half-Turn, or Medio-Giro? In this video we help you feel more confident with your circular movements and dissociation by teaching you everything you need […]
Dear Dancer, Not sure how to do and use the cross in your tango dancing? Want to master the fundamentals of tango beautifully? Finding the Tango Cross deceptively simple? In this video, we help you master the cross, one of the most important elements of tango, so you can feel confident playing with it in […]
Dear Tango Dancer, Brand-new to tango and looking to master the tango fundamentals beautifully? Need a refresher on the tango walk? Or, are you an intermediate dancer who wants to improve the quality of your dancing in close embrace? Are you looking to stand out on the dance-floor and feel more relaxed in your dancing? […]
Hello tango dancer, Are you sometimes not sure how to combine the movements that you know into a playful combination? Bored with always doing the same tango moves? Need a refresher on how to do tango’s smoothest movements – the sacada and the barrida? Ladies, are you looking to improve your technique for circular movements? […]
Tango Dancer, Not sure how to change directions in your dancing? Bored with using always the same moves? Would you like to change direction in a playful and sensual way? Ladies/Followers, looking for tips to make your dancing more precise? This video will help you add playfulness and sensuality to your dancing with a beautiful […]
Tango Dancer, Do you sometimes struggle with finding a comfortable embrace? Do you tend to tense up during the dance, especially in the moments when you feel wobbly? Do you want your embrace to feel relaxed and comfortable for your partner… and for you? In this video, we help you find a more comfortable tango […]