Tango Dancer, Merry Christmas! & thank you for a wonderful 2019 with you! We’ve been blessed with wonderful interactions with so many of you this year. Our goal is to create a community of dancer that is all about connection, friendliness and the willingness to take on the tango challenge. Thank you for being a […]
Category Archives: Mindset
Hello tango ladies, Feeling frustrated with how “passive” ladies/followers are when it comes to inviting partners? Ever felt disempowered in milongas, “waiting for a man to invite you”? Want to dance more in milongas… and be very active in choosing your power? This is a common feeling for tango ladies and can affect our confidence […]
Tango Dancers! You know what I’ve realised over the years? That the confidence you learn from being a strong, independent tanguera, shows outside of the dance-floor. At least it was the case for me. Once I became more independent and willing to express myself dancing in the arms of a partner, I became more independent […]
Hi there, ladies, it breaks my heart when I see strong, independent women lose their confidence on the dance floor. We need strong ladies having fun! I’ve struggled with that for years, and then this little mindset shift made a big difference to me. So I hope it helps! Much love x