Category Archives: Mindset

Tango Christmas Q&A / How & Why We Started + Where We Purchase Clothes & Shoes

Tango Dancer, Merry Christmas! & thank you for a wonderful 2019 with you! We’ve been blessed with wonderful interactions with so many of you this year. Our goal is to create a community of dancer that is all about connection, friendliness and the willingness to take on the tango challenge. Thank you for being a […]

How To Dance More in Milongas: Power tips for tango ladies

how women can influence the tanda's musicality

Hello tango ladies, Feeling frustrated with how “passive” ladies/followers are when it comes to inviting partners? Ever felt disempowered in milongas, “waiting for a man to invite you”? Want to dance more in milongas… and be very active in choosing your power? This is a common feeling for tango ladies and can affect our confidence […]