Category Archives: Connection

Tango Intention: How To Keep A Connected Embrace Throughout The Dance

Tango dancer, What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Tango is all about connection… not about the steps”? Looking back, I can see when the shift happened in my own dancing. When I decided that I would focus on connection and being in the flow with my partner and chose *not* to be […]

Tango or not Tango? How To Keep The Physical Connection (3 Common Mistakes)

Tango dancer, We often say that people come to tango for the movements, and stay for the connection… Can you relate?!? Our theory is that it is such a surprisingly challenging dance, that we stick to it once we have felt the incredible warmth, power and intimacy of a connected embrace. There are so many […]

Tango Embrace: How to Start and Finish a Tango (Tips to Better Connection)

Dear dancer, There is this big thing in Tango about “looking the part”. Have you ever sat at a milonga table looking in awe at those dancers on the dance floor and wondering how they look so “at ease” in this world? Most of them don’t seem to do anything you couldn’t, they don’t dance […]

Tango Close Embrace: 3 Tips for a Comfortable Embrace (Common Mistakes to Avoid)

Dear dancer, If you’re anything like us, you really want your partner to feel comfortable in your embrace… (Isn’t it niiiiiiice, when people compliment your embrace at the end of a tanda?…) Yet there are some common mistakes we see (and that we have had to correct on ourselves to) that sometimes make the embrace […]

How To Be More Connected: One Number and a Mindset Change

Tango is not a number’s game. Yet there is one number that sticks with us, as teachers, and that we see transform our students’ dancing. Contrarily to what it might sound like, it is not set in stone. It can vary. But it matters. See, we know that when you dance your attention tends to […]

Tango Dancing: How To Connect With Anyone // With Pepa Palazon

Tango dancer Do you sometimes feel that you can’t read your partner well? Have you ever been unsure about what your partner is trying to lead? Do you sometimes feel disconnected from your partner? Have you ever been confused about how your tango embrace should feel like…? Relaxed? Firm? Would you like to know how […]

Tango Journey: How To Enjoy Your Tango From Day 1 (Connection tip)

Dear dancer, Are you ever worried your partner is not enjoying dancing with you? Are you sometimes worried you don’t remember the steps you learned in class? Does the tango close embrace ever feel uncomfortable? Would you like to feel more relaxed in your dancing and enjoy your tango from the beginning? In this video, […]

Tango Connection: Adapting To Your Partner (How Anne does it)

Tango Dancers, A few years ago, I took a tango private class that completely changed my tango nights. With one small comment from the teacher, I suddenly started having partners dancing with me non-stop. And no, it wasn’t about changing anything about my technique…. but rather, it was about how I connected with the people […]

Argentine Tango Connection: A Simple & Powerful Tip (Our Least Popular Advice)

Dear Dancer, Do you sometimes feel disconnected and un-precise in your dancing? Wondering how Argentinians dancers enjoy their dancing? Would you like to understand more about the essence of tango? Are you looking to dance in a connected, elegant and precise way? In this video, Pablo tells you what he learned about Tango from his […]

Argentine Tango Embrace: One Small Correction, Big Impact

Dear Dancer, Do you sometimes feel disconnected from your partner when you are dancing? Have you ever felt like you couldn’t truly share “who you are” with your partner? Do you want your tango embrace to feel warm, comfortable and inviting? In this video, we help you do one small change that has a big […]