Dear dancer,
Do you sometimes feel that you need to challenge yourself and shake up your dancing?
Are you wondering how you can add playfulness to your tandas?
Are you excited about boleos but not sure how to add them to your dancing?
In this video, we show you how to add more tango fun to your dancing with the one of the coolest tango movement: the boleo technique.
So that whatever your role, whether you’re a leader or a follower, you can let that free leg fly and play with the high notes of tango music.
Click on the video to learn:
- How to use contraposition to lead the boleo
- 3 technique tips for followers to feel the boleo and add it to your dancing
- How to do the boleo on the floor in a crowded milonga and off the floor when you have space
We hope it helps.
If you enjoyed this video and the info we share on our blog, we would be so grateful if you signed up to our channel. You will get weekly tips for a more powerful & elegant tango.
Thank you so much for watching!
Keep learning, and keep sharing your dancing, because the world of tango needs your embrace.
Much love,
Pablo & Anne
PS: Do you want clarity on tango dancing?
Frustrated with how long it takes to improve your tango technique?
Do you want to look & feel more powerful & elegant in your tango dancing?
Have a look at our step-by-step Online technique Course, it might be the right tool to take your tango to the next level 🙂