Author Archives: Tango Space

Tango Decorations: Add Sophistication To Simple Movements (Leaders & Followers)

Tango Dancer, Feeling a bit nervous about decorations sometimes? Not sure how to add them to your dancing without making your partner uncomfortable? Want to dare more on the dance floor and express the music even more? In this video, we show how to easily add more fun to your dancing by adding decorations to […]

Tango Argentino: Sacada Technique Leaders & Followers

Tango dancer, Need help with your sacadas? Not always sure if you followed them/ lead them right? Want to be able to add sadacas to your dancing without thinking? Looking to make sure your dancing feels playful and connected overall? In this video, we teach you how to make your sacadas work all the time, […]

Tango Journey: How To Enjoy Your Tango From Day 1 (Connection tip)

Dear dancer, Are you ever worried your partner is not enjoying dancing with you? Are you sometimes worried you don’t remember the steps you learned in class? Does the tango close embrace ever feel uncomfortable? Would you like to feel more relaxed in your dancing and enjoy your tango from the beginning? In this video, […]

Boleo with Contraposition: Tango Technique (Leaders & Followers)

Dear dancer, Do you sometimes feel that you need to challenge yourself and shake up your dancing? Are you wondering how you can add playfulness to your tandas? Are you excited about boleos but not sure how to add them to your dancing? In this video, we show you how to add more tango fun […]

How To Dance Rhythmic Tango Music: Small, Fast & Fabulous Tango Steps (for improvisation)

Tango dancer, Not sure how to dance on rhythmic music? Losing the connection when the music goes faster? Need help changing dynamics in choppy, rhythmic music like D’Arienzo’s? Would you like to add power and playfulness to your dancing? In this video, we teach you how to change dynamics in your tango dancing by playing […]

Need New Tango Idea? Triple Back Ochos for Leaders & Followers (Intermediate Level)

Dear Dancer, Not sure how to shake things up in your dancing and in need of new tango ideas? Need some technique tips to be more stable and connected in your dance? Wondering how you can challenge yourself? In this video we help you add flair to your dancing with a new double back ocho […]

Tango Connection: Adapting To Your Partner (How Anne does it)

Tango Dancers, A few years ago, I took a tango private class that completely changed my tango nights. With one small comment from the teacher, I suddenly started having partners dancing with me non-stop. And no, it wasn’t about changing anything about my technique…. but rather, it was about how I connected with the people […]

Argentine Tango Connection: A Simple & Powerful Tip (Our Least Popular Advice)

Dear Dancer, Do you sometimes feel disconnected and un-precise in your dancing? Wondering how Argentinians dancers enjoy their dancing? Would you like to understand more about the essence of tango? Are you looking to dance in a connected, elegant and precise way? In this video, Pablo tells you what he learned about Tango from his […]

Argentine Tango Technique: One Tip To Be More Elegant (Tango Posture)

Tango Dancer, Do you ever feel a bit disconnected from your partner when you’re dancing? Not sure how to take powerful steps while looking elegant? Want to make sure your posture is correct and helps you and your partner during the whole dance? In this video, we share a powerful image to help you be […]

Tango Giro: Add A Barrida To Your Giro (Unexpected Element)

Dear dancer, Looking to shake things up in your dancing? Need a recap on tango giros? Looking for a new way to dance your tango turns? Want to surprise your dancer with an unexpected element? In this video, we show you how to make your dancing more original by adding a barrida to your tango […]