Hi dancer! 4 sacada tips we wish we’d known sooner “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt ^smart lady right there. Mistakes are a part of life, but the fewer things you have to learn the hard way, the better, am I […]
Author Archives: Tango Space
Hi dancer, There are a lot of assumptions out there when it comes to tango steps… …that there is a ‘wrong’ and ‘right’ way to dance a movement …that the fancier and more sophisticated the step, the better …that once we have learned a movement, we don’t need to revisit it None of these things […]
Dear dancer, Do you have a mantra? A meaningful sentence you’ve chosen to help you through your tango dancing, a challenging time, your life journey…? I’ve never really thought of this, to be honest, but we recently started working with a new coach who asked us to choose a mantra for our new project. And […]
Is off-axis 💀 dead? You’ve probably heard whispers that tango Nuevo and its off-axis movements is dead, that it’s over, or that the axis sharing moves are oh-so-passé. (People will say anything if it excuses them from challenging themselves and learning new technique) But a quick look at all maestro […]
We all have something in tango that we are known for. No I’m not speaking about the fact that you’re the last one standing at every milonga or your ability to name every song the DJ plays (though if it’s the case I’m impressed!)… but rather the quality that you bring to your dancing. Some […]
Tango dancer, Have you ever felt uncomfortable in the close embrace – or worse – lost your balance while in the arms of your tango partner? If yes, I used to, so I completely relate! The uncomfortable truth, ladies, is that it is often our fault, and not our partner’s… See, it’s easy for us […]
Tango dancer, Recently a student of ours came to ask me why she was regularly losing her balance during the dance, despite all her efforts. Indeed, her and her partner had worked hard at doing individual exercises for balance. When they practiced the movements in practice embrace they both felt comfortable… but when they went […]
Tango Dancer, Do you ever dance with less experienced dancers than you, in milongas, classes or practicas? We do, and we love it! But if you sometimes feel a bit frustrated when your partner is not at the same level, or unsure about how to keep dancing when your partner is not clear, then this […]
Tango dancer, We often say that people come to tango for the movements, and stay for the connection… Can you relate?!? Our theory is that it is such a surprisingly challenging dance, that we stick to it once we have felt the incredible warmth, power and intimacy of a connected embrace. There are so many […]
Tango dancer, Do you know that moment at the end of the tango songs when the music speeds up? It’s called the variation. It’s the moment when I used to ‘panic’ and do too much, anticipate, lose my balance… whereas tango is inviting us to stay grounded and speed up in a controlled way… So, […]