It’s been a busy year here at Tango Space, with classes, milongas, the production of online courses and setting up tango classes in Paris (coming soon). But also with the launch of our blog, and discovering that we have an audience who wants to learn more about tango online. So to finish the year, here’s […]
Author Archives: Tango Space
It’s incredible how so many dancers today capture our hearts with their musicality, power, precision, elegance, or creativity… But because 2015 deserves a round-up, we’ve selected here 10 of our favorite performances of the year. It’s been a heated debate, and after many long discussions, here are our final ten. Enjoy! Carlitos Espinoza y Noelia Hurtado – Maquillaje […]
Yes, tango is “more difficult” for the leaders than for the followers, at first. But the journey of the follower dancer is paved with its own hardships: the following technique is precise and requires a long training. Here are the three main skills a follower will have to develop throughout her/his tango journey. 1. Axis […]
The past few months have been incredibly busy, partly because Pablo, Naomi and I have been working hard to create our online course. We spent days locked in Naomi’s flat brainstorming about what the perfect content should be. There was a lot of brainstorming, sharing and comparing and it was incredibly exciting. Yet at times, […]
We just launched a free online tango course, and here’s why… I started tango quite young, at the age of 22. I came from a ballet and gymnastics background and saw Tango as the dance-class-of-adulthood. So, I went for it expecting it to tone my muscles and give me a space to let some steam […]
Tango is not about steps, level or technicality. Tango is about the connection we create with our partner. It is about how we feel the music and express it. When we really connect with our partner, the dancing becomes magical, and the level secondary. Learning the technique allows you to be more responsive to your partner […]
We regularly teach floor craft during our weekly classes. We know that it’s not the most popular of our classes. Some students don’t come back… Yet we believe it’s one of our most important classes
Yesterday, we met a lovely couple from Mumbai, who explained to me that in India today the tandas last only for 3 temas: “Because people don’t know many steps, so the women get bored otherwise”.