Nothing feels as good as warm embrace.Nothing feels as bad as a tight embrace
(except maybe a loose one, but let’s focus on the tight one today).
It’s true that it’s great to be held strongly by a man (with the loose tango definition of the term Man – can be of female obviously), but it’s a different thing when the holding is too tight. Obviously, every embrace is different and depends on arms and torso length…
But even in tango, a lady needs a bit of personal space.
Newsflash: Men, your right arm is not supposed to be the right side of the woman’s torso… That’s too restricting. Of course, leading with the chest is so subtle that I understand when men put it there. usually, it’s a bit of a cheat that smart leaders found after a few classes. With the arm there, their shoulder is almost below the ladies’ shoulder (which is bad for her axis, by the way…), and it becomes easier to lead with the chest… except that it’s the shoulder that is actually leading….
The woman (again, the loose tango definition here) is giving you all her trust, she’s probably closing her eyes already…. Doesn’t she deserve a bit of space to breathe? Plus, even in close embrace, she needs to slightly go back to her axis when she turns or pivots.
The bra hook
So men, please, make sure your right hand is in the middle of her back. You know, that bra hook that you got so good at opening with just one hand? There. That’s the place to go to. Your hand can move to release the embrace when you’re doing figures, but please go back there, not further, when walking…

You’ll see, she’ll be more willing to give you her trust when she feels like you are giving her some space.